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I am an Assistant Professor of Nature-Society Interactions in the Department of Geography and Geospatial Sciences at Kansas State University. My work addresses the impacts of planning and policy on the sustainability of socio-environmental systems by examining the effects of policies on hazard impacts, evaluating adaptation strategies, and developing decision support tools to help reduce vulnerability and increase resilience. I frequently employ geospatial programming and analysis methods on large spatiotemporal datasets that integrate social and physical data.

My current research focuses on (1) how land-use influences agricultural production and urban flood mitigation, (2) how flood adaptation strategies alter urban system resilience and vulnerability trajectories, and (3) how scale-of-analysis alters our understanding of social vulnerability to hazards.

I welcome inquiries from students interested in joining the Department of Geography and Geospatial Sciences at Kansas State University as Masters or Ph.D. students. Students with interests in: geospatial programming and analysis, social vulnerability, community resilience and sustainability, agricultural sustainability, and flood adaptation can contact me at

You can contact me via email at